Germany vows retaliation for US trade war on EU

posted in: Germany, News

German Economy Minister Peter Altmaier addresses the audience during a conference organized by the Federation of German Industries (BDI) on September 25, 2018 in Berlin. (Photo by AFP) Germany has warned the United States that it will take retaliatory measures … Read More

Jussie Smollett indicted on 16 felony counts following Chicago attack allegations

“Empire” actor Jussie Smollett was indicted Friday on 16 felony counts following his Chicago attack allegations. A spokesperson for the Cook County State’s Attorney did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment. A lawyer for Smollett did not immediately respond to Fox … Read More

The U.S.-Mexico border is at a ‘breaking point’ as 76,000 migrants cross in a month. Here’s what you need to know

Moises Castillo, Associated Press Hundreds of Hondurans are blocked at the border crossing in Agua Caliente, Guatemala, Monday, Oct. 15, 2018. A caravan of Honduran migrants moved toward the country’s border with Guatemala in a desperate attempt to flee poverty … Read More

February had highest total of undocumented immigrants crossing U.S. border in 12 years

It is also the highest single month total since Trump was elected in November 2016. A Central American migrant who hopes to reach the United States, climbs the US-Mexico border fence in Playas de Tijuana, Baja California State, Mexico, on … Read More

‘Jesus Freak’ comic reportedly portrays Christ as killer who beheads foes

Comic transforms Jesus into brutal assassin An upcoming graphic novel reportedly portrays Jesus Christ in a whole new light. The Image Comics novel “Jesusfreak,” depicts a sword-wielding Jesus Christ who chops off the heads of his opponents, The Christian Post reported Monday. The … Read More

Dutch professor: “No Western country has managed to successfully integrate Muslims”

posted in: News, World News

Based on his 20-year-long studies on integration and assimilation, Dutch professor of sociology Ruud Koopmans has come to the conclusion that Muslims are more difficult to integrate than other migrant groups. Ruud Koopmans claims than no Western country has managed to … Read More

American Farm Debt Reaches 1980s Crisis Levels: Agriculture Secretary

posted in: Breaking News, News

Debt among American farmers has increased to $409 billion, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue warned Wednesday. That is up from $385 billion last year and is currently at levels not seen since the agricultural recession (farm crisis) of the 1980s, reported … Read More

May Makes Last-Ditch Plea to EU to Help Break Brexit Impasse

–EU makes new offer that doesn’t deliver what U.K. demanded –May needs new concessions to convince Parliament by Tuesday U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday will tell the European Union that the outcome of a historic vote on her … Read More

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