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U.K. Prosecutors: Some Bible Verses “No Longer Appropriate” to Be Quoted in Public


British prosecutors declared recently that certain Bible passages are “no longer appropriate” to be uttered in public.

“There are references in the bible which are simply no longer appropriate in modern society and which would be deemed offensive if stated in public,” lawyers from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) told the court.

The statement occurred in the course of CPS’ prosecution of street preacher John Dunn for the alleged crime of offending two lesbians by quoting Scripture to them.

Despite having lost his voice box to throat cancer, Dunn, 55, preaches regularly on the streets of Swindon, a town in southwestern England.

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Source: https://thenewamerican.com/u-k-prosecutors-some-bible-verses-no-longer-appropriate-to-be-quoted-in-public/

