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Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – March 1, 2024


Greetings from Tyler,

We’ve seen competing border visits by the pretender and his opponent.  For some reason they decided that Mr. Biden should visit a segment of the border where the caravans don’t cross.  There is lots of speculation about the stiff gait and slow trudge.  Since the recent actions by Governor Abbott, the caravans have gone west, to sanctuary places.

There’s no telling what is happening in those cities.  That way we’ll never know how bad things are, because they’re reported as “white.”  For  some reason, it seems, those that hate this country have decided to turn it into the third world.  There are heinous crimes being committed and we don’t know the half of it.  Some couldn’t be hidden, and there are already some of the most gruesome crimes being committed against unsuspecting citizens.  Some of the invaders commit crimes so bad, they can’t be reported.  But unfortunately, after having canceled all the policies in place, the pretender needs more power! (s)  

The war in Gaza goes on, and it has to.  There’s no use watching an American spokesman trying to tell us what’s about to happen.  The administration is stomping the brakes, trying to direct Israeli policy from some podium.  Anything you might hear is contradicted almost immediately by the actions of the IDF.  What does it matter when an American official takes the microphone to tell us what’s up?  They haven’t told us the truth about much, as we’re painfully aware.

Dozens of rockets are being fired at Israeli communities out of Lebanon, haphazardly.  If you want to know what’s really going on you have to watch news from on the spot.  According to the Israeli military, they stand poised and ready to take on the terrorists in Lebanon if it comes to that.  We can thank the efforts of the past that the whole region hasn’t gone to war.  Things are dicey, and cool heads are rare.  

The mainstream news is playing up the suffering in the war zone, and in Rafah, the crossing at the Egyptian border.  Drone footage shows the humanitarian supply trucks being mobbed, and driving away in fear, running over people in the process.  A gun went off, and the prerequisite melee ensued.  Lastly, you see dead bodies being carried from the carnage.  

Here at home the usual political strife continues.  Court cases abound against the number one prospect.  This would be business as usual in a third world country.  The panicked administration is liable to do anything to derail this freight train.  All the polls show the pretender losing states he purportedly won last time around.  Never mind the polls.  If there are mail deliveries by semi trucks …

I’m sure you’ve heard, fires are sweeping across the panhandle of Texas.  It’s mostly scrub, but there are ranches and feedlots, and that’s the concern.  In California the snowstorms are piling up.  They’ll have to consult the record books to see if this qualifies, but I’ll bet nobody’s worried about global warming right now.

The war in Ukraine?  The surest way to know it’s not going well, despite all the breast-beating, is the fact that we’re not hearing much about it.  It was a fool’s errand in the first place.  No matter how bad Putin is, this thing should have been solved already.  Except they’re trying to turn it in to a world war, if only we understood that Putin is a bad guy!  Maybe, but that doesn’t demand we lose our ability to reason.  

We’ve got the war in Ukraine, the war in Gaza, the Houthis firing rockets and missiles at commercial vessels, inflation is eating us alive and the border is out of control.  Everyone has seen how bad things can get with inept leadership.  We all hope there’s still time to fix all that has gone wrong.  Hope everyone has a great Sabbath.
