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Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – August 30, 2024 


Greetings from Tyler,

Israel continues on its mission, clearing tunnels and finding hideouts.  So many hostages have been declared dead that we’re wary about getting our hopes up.  But some, against all hope, are still alive.  One has just been liberated, and there are how many more?  Over 100?  And the Arabs have the audacity to be calling Israel’s response “genocide.”  Maybe they just don’t want such a thing to ever happen again.

The mainstream keeps going crazy trying to find something to pin on Trump.  This week it was a visit to Arlington National Cemetery, at a families’ invitation, where apparently other soldiers’ tombstones were photographed without permission.  What a scandal!  You can read all about it if you haven’t already.  They’re trying desperately to make something of it.

The mainstream media is working overtime trying to paint Trump as Hitler.  They’ve taken to bizarre flights of fancy to reach their conclusion. That’s the idea.  Pump hatred into the mix and some lunatic is bound to appear.

The legal cases against him?  Another round of charges has been filed by prosecutor Jack Smith who struck out the first time around.  It’s been said that every attempt to bring Trump down only heightens his popularity.  They call him a convicted felon from the N. Y. case, and there’s some question as to whether they put him in jail.  Wouldn’t that be bizarre.  What haven’t they tried?  Sentencing is scheduled for September 18.  

About the assassination attempt:  The mainstream is no longer curious.  Just a lone crazy person who had all of his communications encrypted so that nobody could see what was really going on.  Sorry.  End of story.  He credits God with having saved his life.  That will undoubtedly make the haters furious, but there you have it.  It makes you wonder.  Is God using him as a tool to give the world one last gasp?

Things have gone horribly wrong, all around the world. Try to recite the litany of wars and potential wars breaking out since he left office. You’ve got to circle the globe, and things don’t look too promising.  He never fails to talk about the Afghanistan fiasco in his speeches, which he gives every day or two. That, as he says, is an embarrassment to the United States, and sent a strong signal around the world. The result has been worldwide instability.  Nobody’s afraid of what the United States might do under the circumstances.

We’ve been embarrassed before.  Don’t forget Jimmy Carter.  He may have been a nice man, but the United States was the world’s whipping boy.  Trump often quotes Ronald Reagan, and those that remember know that he was a breath of fresh air after the American brand was humiliated for all to see.

Five weeks ago, we hardly thought about her. Now, she hung the moon. Kamala Harris is campaigning like she had nothing to say or do for the past three years. Joe is on vacation, and everybody is following her around like she’s the greatest thing since sliced bread. She has to convince educated people that she had nothing to do with the last three years, and finds herself telling how bad things are.  

To hear the mainstream tell it, she’s several points ahead in the polls. No explanation as to why she can’t fill a high school gym. Oh yeah, she’s doing what Biden never could, leading Trump.  

Your suspicions may be as high as mine, but from all indications these polls aren’t accurate.  

There have been times where God has used human vessels to carry out His plan. This may be one of those times.            
