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3 California wildfires destroy thousands of structures and force emergency evacuations


(CNN)A series of fast-moving wildfires is racing Friday up and down California, destroying thousands of structures and forcing thousands of residents to evacuate through flame-lined streets.

Two fires are just miles from the bar where 12 people were killed in a mass shooting in Southern California’s Thousand Oaks, and part of that city has been evacuated.

And a blaze in Northern California sent terrified residents running for their lives as it closed in and destroyed parts of the town of Paradise, near Chico.

Fanned by high winds and low humidity, the fires spread rapidly Thursday and overnight into Friday. The threat continues Friday morning, with millions of Californians under “red flag” warnings portending windy, arid and warm conditions that pose extreme fire risks.

Camp Fire: People flee ‘carrying their babies and kids’

In Northern California, Tanah Clunies-Ross woke up in the dark Thursday to what sounded like lumps of coal raining down on her home. Within minutes, her family and thousands of people were racing to escape the raging flames of the Camp Fire.

“The smell of the smoke and realizing the smoke was a lot closer than I thought and then seeing flames up to my knees. … I lost it,” she said.

Her family was among at least 40,000 residents forced to evacuate in Butte County after the fire broke out early Thursday, “growing uncontrollably” at a rate of about 80 football fields per minute.

So far, it has burned at least 20,000 acres, injured firefighters and residents, and destroyed parts of Paradise, a town of 26,000 people roughly 80 miles north of Sacramento.

Friday morning the fire was burning to the outer edges of Chico, a city of 93,000 people about a 90-mile drive north of Sacramento. Area hospitals have evacuated and all of Butte County schools have closed Friday.

The Paradise Inn burns as the Camp Fire tears through Paradise on Thursday, November 8. A state of emergency has been declared in Butte County, where thousands have been forced to evacuate.