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Russian Air Force Rains Overnight Airstrikes on Idlib Province [Syria]

posted in: News, Russia

Russian Air Force Rains Overnight Airstrikes on Idlib Province
EHRAN (FNA)- The Russian Air Force carried out a series of airstrikes over the Idlib province on Sunday night, marking the first time in several weeks targeting militant-held regions in Northwestern Syria.

Led by an air squadron from the Humeimim Airport in Lattakia, the Russian jets repeatedly struck the jihadist positions last night in the Jisr Al-Shughour in Southwestern Idlib, massdar news reported.

According to a military source in Lattakia, the Russian Air Force specifically targeted the positions of Tahrir Al-Sham Hay’at and the Turkestan Islamic Party West of the town of Jisr Al-Shughour.

The airstrikes were mostly carried out by the Russian Air Force, with some participation from the Syrian Air Force, the source added.

The reason for the airstrikes is still unknown at this time because neither the Syrian nor Russian forces have commented on the attack.

Despite the absence of a statement, the Russian Air Force typically carries out airstrikes over the region when they have information about a major movement from the jihadist rebels.

Source: http://en.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13971010000671
