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Authorities searching for survivors after tornado slams Iowa; at least 1 dead


GREENFIELD, Iowa (AP) — Crews moved methodically Wednesday through a small Iowa town devastated by a powerful tornado, searching through mounds of debris to be sure no victims remained buried in the rubble, but authorities would not say how many were killed or injured in the storm.

The tornado Tuesday afternoon left a wide swath of obliterated homes, splintered trees and crumpled cars in Greenfield, a town of 2,000 about 55 miles (88.5 kilometers) southwest of Des Moines. The twister also ripped apart and crumpled massive power-producing wind turbines several miles outside the town.

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Source: https://apnews.com/article/severe-weather-midwest-iowa-tornadoes-26c73e14ab481ef77a1b0606a2b10adc
