BIBLE BOMBSHELL Ancient ruin is proof bible story is REAL, say experts after evidence shows wall was built as recounted in Old Testament

Experts also found proof of the Biblical earthquake happening in the city

A BREAKTHROUGH research has discovered the truth behind ruins in ancient Jerusalem which verifies the Bible’s accounts.

A stretch of wall in the original heart of the city was revealed to had been built by King Uzziah, as hinted at in the Bible.

Contrary to popular belief, Hezekiah, who ruled Judah during the 7th and 8th century BC, did not fortify the city to protect it against the invaders.

For years, experts believed that Hezekiah erected the walls after witnessing his neighbours, the Kingdom of Israel, get destroyed by the Assyrian Empire.

But now a decade-long study has found that it was actually his great-grandfather, King Uzziah, who built the walls after a huge earthquake.

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