Home » News » Germany » Can’t Beat Em, Ban Em: Governing German Party Suggests Banning Surging Populist Opposition AfD

Can’t Beat Em, Ban Em: Governing German Party Suggests Banning Surging Populist Opposition AfD


The leader of the left-wing Social Democrat Party (SPD) of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has suggested banning the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party amid the right-wing populist party’s surge in the polls.

SPD leader Saskia Esken said this week that an outright ban of the AfD should not be off the table to protect democracy, claiming that the party uses “every topic to incite people” which she said is “clearly anti-democratic”.

“Such a party ban is rightly subject to high hurdles. But I am convinced that we should keep reviewing it,” Esken told the German dpa news agency. “It is important that we talk about banning the AfD and that voters are shaken up.”

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Source: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2024/01/03/cant-beat-em-ban-em-governing-german-party-suggests-banning-populist-opposition-afd-amid-surge-in-polls/
