John Ratcliffe: America’s adversaries are ‘testing’, ‘taking advantage of’ Biden ‘wrong decisions’

Ex-DNI tells Mark Levin Putin engaging in same maneuvers as during Obama administration. President Biden’s national security and foreign policy moves are “failing” early in his administration, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe told “Life, Liberty & Levin” in an interview airing Sunday … Read More

India’s daily COVID-19 cases pass 400,000 for first time as second wave worsens

posted in: Far East, News

KEY POINTS India posted a record daily rise of 401,993 new coronavirus cases on Saturday. It was the first time India’s daily case count had topped 400,000 after 10 consecutive days over 300,000. Deaths from COVID-19 jumped by 3,523 over … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 30 April 2021

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, In the age of bad news and nothing but, comes this sad story out of Israel.  Orthodox Jews held an annual celebration at a stadium in northern Israel at a site where a famous rabbi is buried.  … Read More

Dozens Crushed To Death, Scores Injured In Stampede At Israeli Religious Festival

posted in: Israel, News

Ultra-Orthodox Jews look at the scene where dozens of people were killed and some 150 injured in a stampede during the Lag BaOmer festival at Mount Meron in northern Israel on Friday. Sebastian Scheiner/AP JERUSALEM — At least 45 people … Read More

Boris Johnson consumed by infighting as Brexit job losses worsen

The scandals surrounding Boris Johnson hide the disaster that Brexit has created It has been a gloomy week on the sunlit uplands of sovereign Britain as companies continue to pay dearly for two basic yet common business mistakes – not … Read More

Vaccine Mandates Aren’t the Only – or Easiest – Way for Employers to Compel Workers to Get Their Shots

Can companies legally require workers to get vaccinated? Employers have gotten so good at finding ways to get employees to comply with their policies that it may not matter. A workplace showdown may be brewing over mandating vaccinations. Employers would … Read More

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