Migrants resort to treacherous night hikes through snowy, frozen Alps from Italy to France

posted in: News, Refugee Crisis Europe

Since October 1,500 have been intercepted – and some left with permanent injuries, such as amputated fingers, due to extreme cold. Migrants and asylum seekers are resorting to dangerous night hikes through the Alps to reach France, aid workers are … Read More

Over 50% of prisoners in Austria are foreigners

Austria’s right-wing FPÖ party says 50 percent of welfare recipients and 35 percent of unemployed are foreigners. Over 50 percent of all prisoners in Austria have a foreign background, according to data from the Austrian Judiciary. The shockingly high foreign prison … Read More

Syrian Army Says Israel Attacks Areas Around Southern Damascus

Damascus Syria CAIRO/AMMAN – The Syrian army said Israel conducted a rocket attack Sunday evening on targets in the vicinity of Damascus. A Syrian army statement said the attack came from the Golan Heights and that it downed most of … Read More

Austria: Antifa demonstrators try to block deportation of migrant criminals, including rapists

posted in: News, Refugee Crisis Europe

Up to 50 people blocked a street and demanded a right to stay for those who were being deported despite convictions for rape, robbery, and other serious crimes. Refugee workers in Vienna tried to prevent the deportation of several rejected … Read More

Argentinians protest over COVID-19 vaccine scandal

posted in: News, World News

Thousands of people demonstrated in cities across Argentina on Saturday to protest the “VIP vaccinations” scandal that forced the health minister to resign. Gines Gonzalez Garcia quit a week ago at the president’s request after it emerged that his friends … Read More

New EU sanctions on Russia ‘are a missed chance to fix relations’

posted in: News, Russia

Ambassador Chizhov regretted the EU’s decision to impose sanctions on Russia.  Vladimir Chizhov, Russia’s long-time ambassador to the European Union, thinks the bloc’s decision to impose further sanctions on Russia is a missed opportunity to fix relations between the two neighbours. Foreign … Read More

China’s Military is Massive: Can Taiwan Count On America If They Invade?

posted in: Far East, News

Despite a recent spike in tensions, China-Taiwan relations are still massively improved, exchanging university students and business investments rather than artillery shells and aerial bombs. However, the capabilities of the PLA have drastically increased in the interval as well. Here’s … Read More

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