EU makes first use of Magnitsky Act, on Russia

posted in: European Union, News

EU foreign relations chief Josep Borrell speaking to US secretary of state Anthony Blinken by video-link on Monday (Photo: The EU has agreed to blacklist Russian officials guilty of wrongly jailing opposition figure Alexei Navalny, in a new “low” … Read More

Government releases list of vaccine recipients as scandal grows

posted in: News, World News

Pressure grows on Alberto Fernández administration over ‘VIP vaccination’ scandal. Casa Rosada releases a list of Peronist leaders, officials, and their family members who received Sputnik jab. The Health Ministry has released the names of dozens of officials and political … Read More

Brexit capital gains: Will Europe’s financial hubs steal London’s crown now the UK has quit the EU?

A computer screen shows news about the Brexit as a broker watches his screens at the stock market in Frankfurt, Germany, Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2019.   –   Copyright  AP Photo/Michael Probst The post-Brexit fallout came faster than many had expected. On January 4, … Read More

EU is ‘ready to impose new sanctions’ against Russia over Navalny

Josep Borrell and EU foreign affairs ministers will meet next week.  – AP EU countries are ready to impose new sanctions against Russia over the poisoning and imprisonment of opposition leader Alexei Navalny, Euronews has learned. A political decision is … Read More

Large migrant caravan dissolves in Guatemala

A Honduran migrant child is helped off a Guatemalan army truck after being returned to El Florido, Guatemala, one of the border points between Guatemala and Honduras, Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2021. A once large caravan of Honduran migrants that pushed … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 19 February 2021

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, The first thing we should acknowledge in this catastrophic week is the death of Rush Limbaugh.  He is responsible for millions in this country having their heads screwed on straight, in addition to being the funniest, friendliest … Read More

Legal experts warn New York Gov. Cuomo’s nursing home scandal may rise to federal level of criminal offense

posted in: News

The nursing home scandal has dealt a harsh blow to the governor’s high favorability. Legal experts are warning that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s alleged undercounting of nursing-home deaths amid the COVID-19 pandemic may rise to the level of a criminal offense. Cuomo has found himself … Read More

Rush Limbaugh’s final show featured impromptu look back at his career, warning to Biden

Radio icon, who died Wednesday at age 70, closed Feb. 2 show by telling listeners: ‘We’ll be back soon’ On Feb. 2, during what would be his final live show on the Excellence in Broadcasting (EIB) Network, iconic radio host Rush Limbaugh … Read More

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