Joe Biden: Our First Chinese President?

posted in: Far East, News

How China rents the U.S. media—and its politicians. The polls told America Joe Biden would win by 8 points. 10 points! The media used those polls as psychological operations to dispirit Donald Trump’s supporters into believing we were alone, destined to defeat, and … Read More

China joins massive Asian trade deal, a symbolic step to set standards without the U.S.

posted in: Far East, News

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement was signed yesterday, promising to set trading standards for 10 Southeast Asian countries plus China, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and Japan. The deal is a strategic, but mostly symbolic win for China. … Read More

Barr announces sweeping new sanctions, ‘significant escalation’ against left-wing sanctuary cities

Charging that so-called “sanctuary” cities that protect illegal immigrants are jeopardizing domestic security, Attorney General Bill Barr announced a slew of additional sanctions that he called a “significant escalation” against left-wing local and state governments that obstruct the “lawful functioning of … Read More

France, Germany and Italy face major challenges in ICU capacity this winter

France, Germany, and Italy face major challenges in ICU capacity this winter and will exceed the first peak without further suppression measures. A new report from the Imperial College London COVID-19 Response Team, says the pandemic has placed enormous strain on … Read More

Germany’s Merkel: Restrictions have not yet changed trend in coronavirus infections

posted in: Germany, News

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that the latest restrictions have not yet changed the trend in coronavirus infections and added that they need more social distancing, per Reuters. Additional takeaways “We are a long way from the 50 … Read More

Pompeo says Europe, U.S. need to work together to address Turkey

posted in: European Union, News

PARIS (Reuters) – The U.S. administration and Europe need to work jointly on addressing actions led by Turkey in the Middle East over the past few months, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told French daily newspaper Le Figaro. “France’s President … Read More

European Union looks to fast-track any Brexit deal – Sky News reporter tweet

posted in: European Union, News

(Reuters) – The European Union is looking into a way of fast-tracking any Brexit deal, a Sky News reporter tweeted on Monday. A Brexit deal is now very likely to be “EU-only” rather than a “mixed” deal, the tweet here said, citing … Read More

What needs to change for the UK and EU to make a Brexit deal?

Fishing is a key point in discussions.Credit: PA This is a crucial week in the Brexit negotiations. Now where have you heard that one before? You know the script by now: both sides want a deal, progress has been made but significant obstacles … Read More

Lockdowns don’t work. It remains a mystery as to why the world entered one

posted in: Breaking News, News

Surjit S Bhalla writes: Lockdowns were an unnatural experiment and, around the world, they have not worked in achieving their major health objective of less infections or slower pace of infections. January 22 was the first unnatural experiment — Wuhan, … Read More

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