Macron’s Brexit swansong is about to unfold

posted in: European Union, News

At a solemn ceremony at the Panthéon to mark the 150th anniversary of the (re-)birth of the Republic, president Macron chose a 59-year-old anti-Brexit British expatriate to be one of five newly naturalised French citizens emblematic of what it means … Read More

Brexit trade deal hopes fade as Britain plans to renege on agreement with EU

Prospects of a trade deal between Britain and the European Union dimmed to a flicker last night after London admitted that it plans to break international law by overriding the withdrawal agreement Boris Johnson signed last year. Northern Ireland secretary Brandon Lewis told the House of … Read More

‘This is not over’: Britain to ban gatherings of more than six people

London: All social gatherings of more than six people will be banned in England, under new limits to be announced by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday, as coronavirus cases grow. At a press conference, Johnson will confirm that police … Read More

Half of Germans still skeptical about Merkel’s migrant stance: poll

posted in: Germany, News

More than half of German residents are now skeptical about Chancellor Angela Merkel’s famously optimistic quote regarding the 2015 migrant crisis, a poll published by the Augsburger Allgemeine on Saturday found. Read more: Refugees in Germany: From the boat to the Bundeskunsthalle The survey, carried out … Read More

Berlin chair protesters call for evacuation of Moria refugee camp in Greece

Protesters have set up chairs in Berlin to represent residents of the overcrowded Moria camp in Greece. They say the first positive coronavirus test at the camp has made the need for intervention even more urgent. NGOs stage refugee protest … Read More

Israel and UAE agreement to be signed in Washington will be designated as “peace treaty”

posted in: Israel, News

The agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, expected to be signed within the next two weeks in Washington, D.C., will be a “treaty of peace” with the same legal and diplomatic status as peace agreements Israel has previously … Read More

Israel-UAE deal: Will Jordan’s custodianship of the Al-Aqsa Mosque be affected?

posted in: Middle East, News

An ambiguously phrased statement has left Jordan guessing whether its custody of Jerusalem’s Muslim and Christian religious sites is under threat. A Palestinian Muslim man leaves after performing the Friday prayer in occupied East Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque compound on 21 … Read More

Russians, Poles and Hungarians least likely to take COVID vaccine, finds global survey

posted in: News, Russia

Only just over half of Poles (56%) say they would take a vaccine for COVID-19 if one were available, a global survey by Ipsos on behalf of the World Economic Forum has found. That puts Poland second from bottom among … Read More

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