Facing Palestinian criticism, White House says closeness to Israel is an Asset

In the wake of the Temple Mount crisis, can Washington remain an honest broker to peace? Before a shooting on the Temple Mount last month threw the region into a harrowing, if temporary crisis, ​talk of a US-led peace process … Read More

Could Pushing Iran On Nuke Deal Backfire?

posted in: Middle East, News

We are now two years into the deeply controversial Iran nuclear agreement that roiled our community. And, like everything connected with the deal and the Mideast, it’s complicated, as even Jared Kushner would attest. During the many months leading up … Read More

Holiday season means risk of tropical diseases in Europe

Warmer weather and summer travel put tropical mosquito-borne diseases on the European health authorities’ radar. The warming climate has unpredictable and wide-ranging impacts on the environment. Some climate effects on human health are direct, such as extreme weather and rising … Read More

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