Opinion Trump and Israel Must Not Conflate North Korea Nuclear Threat With Iran

posted in: Israel, News

Deterring the proliferation of nuclear weapons is a noble goal – one that America and Israel ostensibly share. How to go about doing so is another story “How can dictatorships be deterred from developing operational nuclear arsenals?” This is a … Read More

Take a lesson: How Germany handles monuments from Nazi and communist eras

posted in: Germany, News

The overdue momentum to remove various Confederate symbols, especially about 1,500 statues, from their perches has picked up across the country in the aftermath of right-wing violence in Charlottesville, Va. In Gainesville, Fla., Durham, N.C., and Baltimore, the toppling has … Read More

For 20 million people, conflict added to drought means no food to eat

Conflict and drought are threatening more than 20 million people in four countries with the prospect of famine, and the U.N. has called this food crisis the largest humanitarian crisis since the world body was formed more than 70 years … Read More

Defiant Trump renews criticism of ‘both sides’ in protest

NEW YORK — President Donald Trump defiantly blamed “both sides” for the weekend violence between white supremacists and counter-demonstrators in Virginia, seeking to rebuff the widespread criticism of his handling of the emotionally-charged protests while showing sympathy for the fringe … Read More

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