Sierra Leone appeals for urgent help after deadly floods and fear of disease outbreak

President Ernest Bai Koroma fought back tears and said the devastation was ‘overwhelming us’, as he toured Regent, one of the worst-hit areas. “Entire communities have been wiped out,” Koroma said Tuesday. “We need urgent support now.” As the city … Read More

The rise of Raed Salah, Israel’s Islamist leader who wants Jerusalem at the heart of a caliphate

posted in: Israel, News

The recently rearrested preacher has built a career ‘defending’ Al-Aqsa against Israel’s purported planned takeover, building vast support among Arab Israelis. In 2001, Sheikh Raed Salah did something almost unheard of in the Arab world: He voluntarily relinquished power. Since … Read More

North Korea Says It Will Wait ‘a Little More’ Before Acting on Guam Threat

posted in: Far East, News

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea appeared on Tuesday to pause its threat to launch ballistic missiles toward Guam, saying it would wait to assess “the foolish and stupid conduct” of the United States before carrying the launchings out. The … Read More

South Korea’s Leader Bluntly Warns U.S. Against Striking North

posted in: News, United States

SEOUL, South Korea — With his public alarmed by President Trump’s recent threats to North Korea, President Moon Jae-in of South Korea issued an unusually blunt rebuke to the United States on Tuesday, warning that any unilateral military action against … Read More

Two Years into Refugee Crisis, Europe tries to wipe its hands clean

In 2016, every major media outlet focused on the influx of refugees into the European Union as a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented proportion. During that year, the media coverage alternatively painted the issue as either a boon or a blight … Read More

U.S. General and South Korean Leader Push for Diplomacy on North Korea

posted in: News, United States

SEOUL, South Korea — Emphasizing diplomacy and sanctions over war, the top American general and South Korea’s president said on Monday that they hoped to avoid armed conflict with North Korea, as China vowed to enforce new United Nations penalties. … Read More

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