Trump vetoes measure to end his emergency declaration on border wall

posted in: News, United States

FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump visits a section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall in Otay Mesa, California, U.S. September 18, 2019. REUTERS/Tom Brenner WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. President Donald Trump has vetoed a joint resolution of Congress that sought … Read More

Trump is on his way to an easy win in 2020, according to Moody’s accurate election model

posted in: News, United States

KEY POINTS President Donald Trump will win reelection easily in 2020 if the economy holds up, modeling by Moody’s Analytics shows. “If voters were to vote primarily on the basis of their pocketbooks, the president would steamroll the competition,” the … Read More

Impeachment tracker: House Democrats and impeachment proceedings against Trump

posted in: News, United States

Over 90% of the 235 Democrats in the House of Representatives now either support impeachment proceedings or have signaled they are open to supporting impeachment proceedings against President Trump. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced a formal impeachment inquiry of Mr. Trump in September … Read More

Pelosi announces House won’t vote now on whether to begin impeachment inquiry

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced after meeting with the House Democratic caucus on Tuesday that there will be no vote — at least for now — on the launch of formal impeachment proceedings against President Trump. “There’s no requirement that we have a vote, … Read More

US-China reach trade war ‘pause’

posted in: News, United States

The U.S. and China have reached a partial trade pause. President Trump, speaking at the White House, said: “We’ve come to a very substantial phase one deal”…adding it will take three to five weeks to get written. The deal includes intellectual property, financial … Read More

Trump reconsiders Syria withdrawal, strongly warns Turkey against military adventures

A handout photo made available by the US Army shows a US soldier overseeing members of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) as they demolish a YPG (People’s Protection Units, a mainly-Kurdish militia in Syria) fortification and raise a Tal Abyad … Read More

Nunes says Dems enlisted ‘media mouthpieces’ to gin up ‘fake’ impeachment grounds

California Rep. Devin Nunes said on Thursday that Democrats enlisted the mainstream media to gin up a “fake story” to get President Trump impeached. “I want to congratulate the Democrats on the rollout of their latest information warfare operation against the president, and their extraordinary … Read More

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