Letter: Governors are acting like dictators

posted in: News, United States

Several governors have told us that life after the coronavirus will be the “new normal.” We’ve heard that before for eight long years during the stale economy of Barack Obama. In fact, those on the left are pretty hopeful this … Read More

Border wall construction has sped up amid coronavirus crisis, CBP chief

EXCLUSIVE: Construction of the wall at the southern border has sped up amid the coronavirus crisis, and it remains a “top priority” for the Trump administration, the head of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) told Fox News this week. “This pandemic has not … Read More

Rand Paul spars with Dr. Fauci during Senate hearing: ‘I don’t think you’re the end-all’

Sen. Rand Paul. Screenshot/US Senate Sen. Rand Paul criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-disease expert, during a Senate hearing on Tuesday and argued that many states could loosen social-distancing guidelines without seeing new surges in coronavirus infections. “As … Read More

Trump charges Obama with ‘biggest political crime in American history’

posted in: News, United States

Retweet storm after justice department drops Flynn case Obama: US ‘rule of law’ is at risk under Trump Opinion: Under Trump, American exceptionalism means misery For God and Country: Christian case for Trump is a thin read Donald Trump meets … Read More

Flynn attorney Sidney Powell decries ‘deliberate, malevolent, concerted effort to destroy an honest man’

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn‘s attorney slammed the case against her client Thursday, calling the efforts to “destroy” the retired Army lieutenant general “malevolent.” “They all knew it was false, Sean,” Sidney Powell told “Hannity“. “This was a deliberate, malevolent, concerted effort to destroy an … Read More

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