Trump signs 2nd coronavirus response bill hours after Senate passage

President Trump on Wednesday signed the second coronavirus relief bill into law that provides paid sick leave, unemployment help and free testing to Americans, the White House announced. The Senate passed the legislation in a 90-8 vote earlier Wednesday. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., had … Read More

S&P 500 plunges 7% in minutes, trading halted marketwide as financial contagion worsens

posted in: News, United States

The US stock market plunged as much as 7% immediately after regular trading began on Monday, prompting the first halt since the depths of the financial crisis in December 2008. The losses came amid a raging global oil-price war and … Read More

Trump signs $8.3B coronavirus spending bill: ‘It’s an unforeseen problem’

President Trump signed an $8.3 billion spending bill Friday aimed at fighting the coronavirus outbreak, the culmination of a bipartisan effort by Congress and the White House to provide funds to federal agencies, as well as state and local governments, to battle the disease. “We’re … Read More

Washington state says coronavirus death toll rises to 6

Health officials in Washington state announced four additional deaths among coronavirus patients on Monday, bringing the total number of fatalities to six. Two of the patients were considered “new” cases of COVID-19, while a third death involved a patient who was previously confirmed to have … Read More

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