It seems to me that Nancy Pelosi and the impeachment managers are relying strictly on having experienced the events of January 6 as the sole basis upon which to impeach President Trump, even though he is a private citizen, so there’s two parts of that. One is a factual scenario that we all experienced ourselves, and the other is simply the fact that this has never happened before. There is no clearly marked path for navigating an impeachment trial for somebody who is no longer president … 


It used to be that when you lost an election, that was punishment enough from a political standpoint, but here, our Democratic colleagues are going a step further and saying well, you can’t run for public office again. That’s really a hypothetical situation. In the meantime, it seems very much counterproductive, if you are President Biden, to say we are going to take the precious few first days of a new administration, and we are going to squander it on this impeachment trial. I just think it’s shockingly bad judgment. I think what you want is for this administration to get off on a strong foot and develop some momentum.”