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Devin Nunes reveals alarming fact about his phone records — what Adam Schiff released doesn’t match

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‘What I have doesn’t match’

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) revealed over the weekend that his personal phone records do not match those that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) publicized last week.

Prior to the House Judiciary Committee holding its first public impeachment hearings, Schiff’s committee released its 300-page report on impeachment. Included in the document were the personal phone records of Nunes — the House Intelligence Committee’s ranking member — Rudy Giuliani, journalist John Solomon, among others. Schiff did not say how he obtained the records or why he publicized them.

But according to Nunes, who spoke with Fox News on Saturday, the records of his that Schiff publicized are not accurate.

“Finally, yesterday, I had a chance to go through all of my phone records, and I can tell you — my phone records do not match what Schiff and the Democrats put in that report,” Nunes said.

In response to a follow-up question from Fox News’ Ed Henry, Nunes added, “Let me tell you what I have. What I have doesn’t match [what Schiff released].”

When asked if he would release his personal phone records, Schiff said that is a question for “AT&T, House Democrats, Verizon, and the courts.”

Nunes also announced during his interview that he plans to take legal action for having his civil liberties violated.

“We’re definitely going to take legal action,” Nunes said. “We need to get to court to try to stop that from happening again.”

Source: https://www.theblaze.com/news/devin-nunes-reveals-alarming-facts-about-his-phone-records-what-adam-schiff-released-doesnt-match
