Earthquake hits San Andreas ‘Big One’ fault line three times in SAME place in California
CALIFORNIA has been rocked by three earthquakes which have hit almost the same spot in less than 24 hours along the notorious ‘Big One’ San Andreas fault line, according to the United States Geological Survey.
The second shake arrived a little more than half an hour later, at 3.07pm UTC (4.07 GMT) measuring 2.8.
The third and last earthquake shook the earth at 10.46am UTC (11.46 GMT) today, April 1, measuring 2.6 magnitude.
All the quakes struck about 30 miles from south of San Jose, California, on the Western coast of the US.
California’s most recent powerful earthquake was estimated to be 7.8 magnitude and happened in 1857.
The shake released some of the pressure on the fault but experts warned California to prepare for another major shake.
Robert Graves, a research geophysicist at the US Geological Survey USGS, suggests the “Big One” could be overdue by 10 years.
California was hit by three earthquakes along the San Andreas’ fault line
“Studies that have dated previous major offsets along the fault trace show that there have been about 10 major quakes over the past 1,000-2,000 years… the average time between these quakes is about 100-150 years.”
As the area is much more populated now, an earthquake of similar magnitude would bring much more destruction and death in every city in Southern California.
The USGS published a scenario foreseeing what a 7.8 magnitude earthquake on the San Andreas fault would do.
The number of deaths could be as high as 1,800, around the same number of people killed in Hurricane Katrina.
The three earthquakes hit three spots very close to each other about 30 miles south of San Jose
According to the USGS prediction, more than 900 people could die from fires sparked by the earthquake, another 650 more from buildings collapsing and being hit by falling debris and at least 150 from transportation accidents, such as car crashes.
While San Andreas runs northeast of Los Angeles Santa Monica fault zone is roughly perpendicular, running east to west through Los Angeles.
The latest map shows the fault line ending underneath Beverly Hills, however, geologists believe it could go as far as Hollywood.
Tim Dawson, a senior engineering geologist with the California Geological Survey, said: “It’s possible it connects up with the Hollywood fault, and that’s what we’d really like to answer.”