CALIFORNIA has been rocked by a series of earthquakes amid fears that a major tremor could be on its way.Researchers from reported nine incidents over the last 24 hours with the most powerful being a 2.4 magnitude tremor near Mentone, CA.The number of tremors in close proximity triggered fears the so-called Big One could be coming.
New data has revealed the fault line running through Los Angeles’ exclusive shopping district of Beverly Hills is at risk if the Big One hits.
A new map of the region using the latest data from the US Geological Survey shows Beverly Hills – which is situated on the Ring Fire – is at greater risk from earthquakes than previously thought.
Map showing California earthquakes
The Santa Monica fault zone cuts through the so-called Golden Triangle, running between Santa Monica and Wilshire boulevards.The most recent deadly earthquake to rock Beverly Hills occurred just over 24 years ago in January 1994, at a magnitude of 6.7, and scientists believe California’s Big One is at least 10 years overdue.
The quake killed 57 people and injured more than 8,700 others with an estimated property damage of up to $50billion (around £35billion) at the time, which would equate to about £65billion today.
Robert Graves, a research geophysicist at the US Geological Survey, said: “The San Andreas fault in southern California last had a major quake in 1857 (magnitude 7.9).
“Studies that have dated previous major offsets along the fault trace show that there have been about 10 major quakes over the past 1,000-2,000 years… the average time between these quakes is about 100-150 years.”The San Andreas fault runs near the Santa Monica fault zone. While San Andreas runs northeast of Los Angeles Santa Monica fault zone is roughly perpendicular, running east to west through Los Angeles.
Devastation caused by the 1994 California earthquake
The latest map shows the fault line ending underneath Beverly Hills, however, geologists believe it could go as far as Hollywood.Tim Dawson, a senior engineering geologist with the California Geological Survey, said: “It’s possible it connects up with the Hollywood fault, and that’s what we’d really like to answer.”