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Germany bans Hamburg Islamic center for pursuing radicalism


Center was controlled by the Iranian regime, German authorities believe.

The German Interior Ministry on Wednesday said it had banned the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) for pursuing radical Islamist goals and acting as representative of the government regime in Iran.

“Today we banned the ‘Islamic Center Hamburg,’ which propagates an Islamist, totalitarian ideology. It supports the terrorists of ‘Hizb Allah’ and spreads aggressive antisemitism,” German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser announced on X. The latter reference is to the Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and militant group Hezbollah.

The Interior Ministry said in a statement that searches have been taking place since early morning at 53 properties in eight German states. In addition to the Hamburg center, authorities also banned nationwide subgroups in Frankfurt, Munich and Berlin.

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Source: https://www.politico.eu/article/german-interior-minister-ban-hamburg-islamic-center-pursuing-radicalism/
