Illegal Immigration Cost to US Taxpayers: $133.7 BILLION Per Year and Rising

Each year, hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens deliberately violate our nation’s laws by unlawfully crossing U.S. borders.  We now have 14.5 Million Illegals in the US (minimum) and their cost to US Taxpayers is now $133.7 BILLION. This figure takes into account Federal, State and Local costs minus all of the taxes paid by these people. Much more on this below.
Those 14.5 million illegals (overwhelmingly Hispanic) cost our country $133.7 Billion per year (from FAIRUS).  That works out to be $9,241 NET COST per year per illegal.

These hordes of illegals come with minimal education, little English and little work experience outside of farming/gardening, waiting tables, construction, cleaning and domestic work. Almost 60% of the citizens of Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries have less than a high school education compared to just 10% of U.S. citizens.

The median IQ of Central Americans are the lowest in the Western Hemisphere at 80 to 85 for El Salvador, Honduras, Guatamala and Mexico. Correspondingly, their countries are often dangerous, crime-ridden, poor and poorly developed.
Low median IQ is reflected in their wages: Statutory miniumum wages are very low:  $7 PER DAY in Mexico, $10 to $13 PER DAY for the other countries in Central America. They are all very low. (Data from Minimum Wage in Central America.) From my studies in International Economics at the Master’s level, I remember well that wages reflect value-added or productivity. Value added and productivity of Central Americans is extremely low on average. Our country should only be accepting the exceptional ones, ie., ones with college degrees and English language skills.
Democrats want to US companies to pay these people a minimum wage of $15 PER HOUR when their labor is worth 15 times less or about $1 PER HOUR! (In their home economies).
It’s a massive vote buying scam.
In sum, on average these people have little to offer the US. America should be deliberately targeting the BEST immigrants in the world to power our country forward in the 21st century; NOT the WORST of the WORST.  Of course, the Democrats don’t care. They literally WANT the WORST OF THE WORST.  And they don’t care about the cost to local, state or national communities.  Republicans don’t give a shit either!  Yes, there are outstanding immigrants from every country in the world, but the data shows that we must be very selective: NOT MASS, UNCONTROLLED, NON-SELECTIVE INVASION!!
Worse, it’s a case where the Biden Administration is The Third Obama Administration; In Bed With the Cartels to accept delivery of illegals!  It’s criminals all around. What a fucked-up bunch of Commies we have now.
The following graphs are from the Navarro Immigration report:

Refugee crisis-America, United States (US), Migrants, Refugees, Immigration, Illegal aliens, US economy, Biden administration, Navarro Immigration report, US Democrat Party, Cost of illegal immigration,

Fast Facts from (data from 2019):

  • Illegal migration costs the American taxpayer approximately $134 billion annually, and could exceed $200 billion by 2025.
  • There are at least approximately 14.5 million illegal aliens in the United States as of 2019, a jump of nearly 2 million people since 2017.
  • There are 564 lawless “sanctuary” jurisdictions throughout the United States as of May 2018.
  • In Fiscal Year 2019, the Border Patrol apprehended a near-record 860,000 illegal aliens nationwide, of which 852,000 (99 percent) were caught while attempting to cross the Southwestern border.
  • Illegal aliens are typically at least three times more likely to be incarcerated than citizens and legal immigrants.
Illegal Immigration and its Effects on the Lives of Americans

Each year, hundreds of thousands of aliens deliberately violate our nation’s laws by unlawfully crossing U.S. borders. This kind of illegal entry is a misdemeanor. When repeated after deportation, it becomes a felony.

Two types of illegal aliens exist in the U.S. today. Those who illegally enter the country are referred to as EWIs. Those who enter legally and then stay illegally are referred to as over-stayers.

Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. The consequences of illegal immigration are far-reaching.

  • Illegal Immigration causes an enormous drain on public funds
  • The needs of endless numbers of poor, unskilled illegal entrants undermine the quality of education, healthcare and other services for Americans
  • Job-desperate illegal immigrants unfairly depress the wages and working conditions offered to American workers, hitting hardest at minority workers and those without high school degrees.
  • Illegal immigration contributes to population growth, overwhelming communities by crowding classrooms, consuming already limited affordable housing, and increasing the strain on precious natural resources like water, energy, and forestland.
  • Illegal Immigration undermines national security, allowing potential terrorists to hide in the same shadows

Previous administration policies and hold outs in the current administration are constraining authorities from detaining and deporting most illegal aliens except for those with criminal convictions or threats to the national security.

