Israeli Air Raid on Syria Not to Remain Unanswered: Iran’s Velayati

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Visiting Ali Akbar Velayati, an international adviser to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, said a recent attack on an air base in the Syrian province of Homs mounted by the Israeli regime will not go unanswered.
Israeli Air Raid on Syria Not to Remain Unanswered: Iran’s Velayati

“Definitely, this crime (by Israel) will not remain without a response,” Velayati, who is in Damascus to attend a conference on Palestine, told reporters upon his arrival in the Syrian capital on Tuesday.

He further emphasized that Iran would strongly defend Syria’s territorial integrity and national sovereignty.

Iran would continue its support for the Syrian people and the government in the fight against their enemies, particularly the Israeli regime and its mercenaries in the Arab country, the official stated.

Velayati went on to say that as in the past seven years after the outbreak of a foreign-backed crisis in Syria, enemies would not be able to reach their vicious goals in the country and other the Middle Eastern nations in the future.

Two Israeli F-15 warplanes carried out strikes from Lebanese airspace on T-4 airbase in Homs on Sunday that killed and wounded several people. Syrian air defense systems shot down five out of eight missiles fired.

Velayati arrived in Syria on Tuesday for talks with the Arab country’s top officials to coordinate efforts in the fight against terrorism.

Apart from meetings with Syria’s president and prime minister, Velayati is going to attend a conference on Islamic unity during his stay in Damascus.

Iran has remained an ally of Syria in the war against foreign-backed militancy since the start of civil war in the Arab country in 2011.

Iran’s timely support for both Syria and Iraq was instrumental in the two Arab countries’ victory over Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) and ending the terrorist group’s self-proclaimed caliphate in late 2017.

