John Kerry denies allegations he divulged Israel’s covert operations

Kerry called the claims – detailed in leaked audio obtained by several media outlets – ‘unequivocally false.’

U.S. Special Climate Envoy John Kerry on Monday denied allegations that while he was serving as secretary of state under Barack Obama informed the Iranian foreign minister of Israeli operations in Syria.

In a Twitter post, Kerry called the claims – detailed in leaked audio obtained by several media outlets – ‘unequivocally false.’

John Kerry@JohnKerry
I can tell you that this story and these allegations are unequivocally false. This never happened – either when I was Secretary of State or since.

John Hudson@John_Hudson
Many conservatives attacking John Kerry for discussing with Iran that Israel covertly struck 200 Iranian targets in Syria, per leaked audio. @StateDeptSpox notes that those strikes had already been disclosed by a gov’t in the region (i.e. Israel)


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif alleged in the audio that Kerry told him that Israel had struck around 200 Iranian targets in Syria.

The Iranian leader admitted he was shocked by the purported admission, as reported by The New York Times.

Republicans were quick to jump on the reports as a betrayal to Israel – a key U.S. ally in the region – with some even calling for Kerry’s resignation from his post in the Biden administration.

Sen. Dan Sullivan@SenDanSullivan

.@NYTimes & others are reporting John Kerry disclosed covert Israeli operations to Iran, the largest state sponsor of terror with the blood of thousands of US soldiers on its hands. If this is true, it’s traitorous and Kerry needs to go.

Rick Scott@SenRickScott
The allegations involving @JohnKerry are deeply disturbing. If true, he must resign. My full statement below:


Elise Stefanik@EliseStefanik

This is a criminal act and John Kerry must be immediately investigated and PROSECUTED. President Biden must immediately remove John Kerry from any government or advisory position.

Iran’s foreign minister says John Kerry told him about Israeli covert operations. Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claimed in leaked audio that then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him of more than 200 covert Israeli attacks on Iranian forces in Syria.

Nikki Haley@NikkiHaley

This is disgusting on many levels. Biden and Kerry have to answer for why Kerry would be tipping off Iran, the number one sponsor of terror, while stabbing one of our greatest partners, Israel, in the back.

Iran’s foreign minister says John Kerry told him about Israeli covert operations. Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif claimed in leaked audio that then-Secretary of State John Kerry informed him of more than 200 covert Israeli attacks on Iranian forces in Syria.


As previously reported by Fox News, Kerry has been accused of colluding with Iran to undermine President Donald Trump during his presidency in an effort to ease relations between the U.S. and Iran.

Kerry has said he met with Zarif on at least two occasions during the Trump administration, for which Trump said he should be “prosecuted.”

Fox News’ Evie Fordham contributed to this report.

