Moscow possibly on track for coldest August on record

The first week of August in Moscow was cold, with an average air temperature of only 13°C. That is 5 degrees below the norm and corresponds more to the last days of the month.

How does that compare with other Augusts in Moscow?

The coldest August on record, with an average daily air temperature of 12°C, and an anomaly of -4 degrees, was back in 1884. That August turned out to be colder than May, and in the second half of the month the maximum air temperature did not exceed 19°C.

Putting that more clearly, this August so far is running 5 degrees below normal, while the coldest August on record, back in 1884, ran only 4 degrees below normal.

The beginning of August in Moscow has been characterized by unusual weather in terms not only of  cold, but also of rainfall and sunshine. Precipitation has already almost fulfilled the norm for the entire month.

The most abundant August rains came in 2016, with rainfall of 167.1 mm (217% of the norm). For the month, 19 days saw rainfalls of various intensity. August 15, 2016 saw 88 mm of rainfall in one day.

As to sunlight, the year 2001 was marked by the least sunlight in the current century. The sun appeared in the sky for only 181 hours, while the norm is 238 hours.

“Everything indicates an unusual last month of summer!”

Thanks to Martin Siebert for this link

“This site has Very important data to analyze a climatic variation of a region,” says Martin.

