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Philadephi or hostages? Either way, Israel is bound to lose – comment


One other thing we do know is that while the Philadelphi-hostages stalemate continues, the remaining hostages are languishing in Gaza.

If only things were so simple and clear-cut. The mass protests and general strike that erupted following the horrific execution of six hostages by Hamas and the blame thrust on the government for its failure to secure their release were demanding one thing: a ceasefire deal.

Opponents of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stance that the Philadelphi Corridor is essential to retain to prevent Hamas from rearming called his Monday night press conference/lecture as the final nails in the coffins of the remaining hostages.

The families of the hostages themselves are split over what acceptance of a ceasefire deal would mean for their loved ones. It’s clear that some hostages would remain in Gaza, even after Israel pulled out entirely – Hamas would never give them all up willingly.

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Source: https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-817578
