‘We Can’t Wait to Pray!’ Movement to Intercede for Candidates and Government Leaders Grows in US

posted in: Breaking News, News

WASHINGTON – Scripture calls us to pray for our leaders, and with the midterm elections almost here, Christians across the country are gathering by the numbers to do just that. CBN News spoke with several groups to get a feel for … Read More

Virginia Couple Threatened With Eviction for Hosting Bible Study Fight Back

A woman reads from the Book of Joshua during the 27th Annual U.S. Capitol Bible Reading Marathon in Washington, May 2, 2016. A couple threatened with eviction from their Virginia-based senior living community for hosting a Bible study have gotten … Read More

Ex-Vatican diplomat calls on ‘sinful’ Pope Francis to resign over sex abuse scandal

A protester holds up a sign in reference to the sex abuse scandal within the Catholic Church as Pope Francis travels through the city in the Popemobile on Aug. 25, 2018, in Dublin, Ireland. (Photo: Charles McQuillan, Getty Images) Pope … Read More

Colleges offer courses on ‘queering’ children, the Bible

posted in: Breaking News, News

This school year, colleges and universities across the country will be offering courses on “queering” children, the Bible, and theology in general. Pomona College, for instance, will offer a course arguing that “the figure of the Child” is used to … Read More

Venezuela’s Starving People Are Now Eating The Zoo Animals – The Parisians Had The German Excuse

posted in: Breaking News, News

Reports in from Venezuela that starving people in that country, the beneficiaries of those glories of Bolivarian socialism, are now breaking into the zoos and butchering the animals in order to be able to eat them. We have seen this … Read More

Vatican finally breaks silence on sex abuse bombshell

posted in: Breaking News, News

The Vatican has finally broken its silence on the “predator priests” grand jury report, saying the church is on the side of the victims. “Those acts were betrayals of trust that robbed survivors of their dignity and faith,” said Vatican … Read More

Pennsylvania report lists more than 300 ‘predator’ priests

Testimony from dozens of witnesses and half a million pages of internal church documents contained credible allegations against more than 300 predator priests  JEWEL SAMAD (AFP/File) A sweeping grand jury report uncovered credible allegations Tuesday against more than 300 predator priests … Read More

Support for two-state solution drops to historic low

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Support for a two-state solution among Israelis and Palestinians has dropped to a record low following years of a moribund peace process and several rounds of violent military confrontation. According to a new poll conducted by Tel … Read More

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