Antifa, The Real Fascists

posted in: Breaking News, News

The assault on Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens is just the beginning. Foul-mouthed Antifa demonstrators went on a rampage August 6 as they assaulted two high-profile conservative activists at a downtown Philadelphia restaurant for being conservatives and supporters of President … Read More

Pope’s decision may face opposition within church

ROME — A new ruling by Pope Francis published Thursday saying that the death penalty is “inadmissible” in all circumstances, and that the church must try to abolish it, may generate opposition by conservative Roman Catholics in the U.S. and … Read More

Steve Bannon on ‘60 Minutes’: Mainstream Media Trying to ‘Destroy’ Donald Trump

posted in: Breaking News, News

Courtesy CBS WASHINGTON, D.C. — Steve Bannon, in his first major interview since stepping down as Donald Trump’s chief strategist, lashed out at the mainstream media, saying it’s trying to destroy Trump, and defended the president’s use of Twitter as a necessary … Read More

Messiah-Mania hits fever pitch in Israel

posted in: Breaking News, News

An artist’s depiction of the Jewish Temple (video screenshot) Messiah-mania has reached a fever pitch in Israel, as one prominent rabbi says the prophesied redeemer was born a week ago, while a group promoting the rebuilding of the Temple released … Read More

Archaeologist says entire Western Wall is ‘danger zone,’ public should stay away

Warning of ‘multiple cracks’ after boulder falls, Zachi Dvira says people should not be allowed near holy site — neither in the mainstream prayer pavilion nor at Robinson’s Arch. View of the site where a large chunk of stone dislodged … Read More

Anti-Semitism 2.0: Online hate speech is spreading and radicalizing

Analysts say the firestorm over data hijacking has helped users wake up to how social media information is used by marketers and others  Oli SCARFF (AFP/File) Anti-Semitic expression can be found in all corners of the internet – in news reporting, … Read More

Jordan condemns Jewish ascent to Temple Mount by ‘occupying power’

posted in: Breaking News, News

Tisha Be’av in eyes of Jordanian and PA officials and media: “Jews storm Al-Aqsa in ‘central occupied West Bank district of Jerusalem.” >15 Jews arrested at Temple Mount, as record numbers visit for Tisha B’Av >  In official letter, Jordan … Read More

Analysis: Putting the Western Wall on the itinerary for world leaders

posted in: Breaking News, News

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban will be the latest leader to officially put the Western Wall on his itinerary on Friday. >  An historic day at the Western Wall >  Vice President Mike Pence ‘inspired’ after praying at Western Wall … Read More

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