B.C. floods: Thousands of pigs, cows, chickens and likely bees died in Fraser Valley

Farmers in B.C.’s flooded Fraser Valley continue to face challenges to repair and restore their properties and livestock. Agricultural Minister Lana Popham said at a media briefing Thursday with the drier weather and receding floodwaters, it will be critical for … Read More

Death toll climbs following catastrophic flooding in British Columbia

A once-in-500-year flood event in British Columbia swallowed highways, washed away bridges and cut off railroads. At least four are dead in the province and thousands remain stranded as rescue and recovery efforts continue. A historic storm that produced epic … Read More

Drug overdoses in British Columbia last month killed more people there than COVID-19 has all year

A total of 170 people died of drug overdoses in British Columbia, Canada, in May, over three times as many as died from COVID-19 that month and more than have died from the disease there over the course of the … Read More

Refugees face more hardship settling during lockdown, advocates say

Efforts to rebuild lives in Canada on hold as people lose jobs and access to services. Hamzeh Alnas arrived in B.C. on Jan. 15, 2020, with his partner to start a new life. Ten days later, Canada recorded it first … Read More

Magnitude 5.1 earthquake strikes Alaska, British Columbia

The earthquake was centred on the narrow sliver of British Columbia, which separates Southeast Alaska and the Yukon. A Magnitude 5.1 earthquake shook Alaska about 135 miles (217 kilometres) northwest of the state’s capital city Juneau. Coincidentally, the City and … Read More