Fed will stay out of climate policy, Chairman Powell pledges

Chairman Jerome Powell said the Federal Reserve would not make policy related to climate change, a response to Republican warnings that the Federal Reserve was going beyond its remit to push green policies. Powell, in a speech Tuesday, stressed the … Read More

Hybrid wheat hitting U.S. fields as war, climate threaten global food supplies

CHICAGO, Dec 21 (Reuters) – Global seed maker Syngenta will release a new type of wheat developed with complex cross-breeding techniques in the United States next year, beating out rival companies that are also trying to develop higher yielding wheat … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – November 4, 2022

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, Around the world, leaders have taken note. Why else is there a war in Ukraine? Why are the Chinese maneuvering toward Taiwan, insisting that it’s sovereign territory? Why is little rocket man shooting rockets toward Japan and … Read More

‘Green’ Germany Prepares To Fire Up the Coal Furnaces

posted in: Germany, News

Strongly held wishes and pixie dust won’t deliver a green utopia. Somehow, Germany, a country where the government is firmly committed to “green” energy, is preparing to fire up coal-burning power plants. The move is even more remarkable given that … Read More

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