Are Electric Cars Really Greener?

posted in: Breaking News, News

Published at 2018, September 25th Are electric cars (EC) really greener and eco-friendly? They seem to be a great solution to fight climate change and they are even said to have zero emissions. But are they worth it? Is it … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 2 July 2021

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, “Ain’t nobody ever going to lock us down again!” said the rodeo announcer at the Gladewater Roundup.  But Sydney, Australia didn’t get the word.  They’ve dived back into lockdown because of the Delta variant, or whatever.  I’m … Read More

Biden warns climate change is ‘greatest threat’ to US security: ‘This is not a joke’

The president said he would speak to key European allies about a unified approach to combating climate change. President Biden warned military servicemembers Wednesday that top Pentagon officials consider climate change to be the “greatest threat” to America’s national security in the coming … Read More

The device that reverses CO2 emissions

posted in: Breaking News, News

(Image credit: Carbon Engineering) Cooling the planet by filtering excess carbon dioxide out of the air on an industrial scale would require a new, massive global industry – what would it need to work? The year is 2050. Walk out … Read More

Almost two-thirds of people believe climate change is a global emergency, UN poll finds

Land recently burned and deforested by cattle farmers stands empty near Novo Progresso, Para state, Brazil, on August 16, 2020. (CNN)Nearly two-thirds of respondents believe that climate change is a “global emergency,” according to a survey of 1.2 million people in dozens … Read More

Biden outlines 10-day blitz of executive actions to nullify Trump era

posted in: News, United States

Washington: In his first hours as president, Joe Biden plans to take executive action to roll back some of the most controversial decisions of his predecessor and to address the raging coronavirus pandemic, his incoming chief of staff said on Saturday. … Read More

California Is Ready to Pull the Plug on Gas Vehicles

posted in: Breaking News, News

At least 15 other countries have already made similar commitments, including Germany, France and Norway. In this March 31, 2016, file photo, Tesla Motors unveils the new lower-priced Model 3 sedan at the Tesla Motors design studio in Hawthorne, Calif. … Read More

Pelosi on wildfires in California and West: ‘Mother Earth is angry’

posted in: Breaking News, News

“The climate crisis is real and has an impact,” the San Francisco Democrat says. There’s a message in the raging wildfires that have scorched her home state of California as well as neighboring states, according to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “Mother Earth is angry,” the … Read More

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