Trump supporters rally in DC after Supreme Court delivers president another defeat

Supporters encourage Trump to keep up the fight. Backers of President Trump descended on Washington, D.C. Saturday in another sign of support for the president, who has come up short in his efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Supporters with … Read More

Flynn attorney Sidney Powell decries ‘deliberate, malevolent, concerted effort to destroy an honest man’

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn‘s attorney slammed the case against her client Thursday, calling the efforts to “destroy” the retired Army lieutenant general “malevolent.” “They all knew it was false, Sean,” Sidney Powell told “Hannity“. “This was a deliberate, malevolent, concerted effort to destroy an … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 8 May 2020

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, Whoever suspected that it would be DOCTORS in Federal agencies that would cripple the United States of America?  How did this happen?  Suddenly we’ve had governors, mayors, and county commissioners issuing unconstitutional “orders,” which if disobeyed can … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 1 May 2020

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, We were warned that hospitals would be overrun.  They were sure to run out of ventilators, if not hospital beds.  Car companies were recruited to manufacture ventilators instead of cars.  Now nobody knows what to do with … Read More