Pentagon Lists Companies Connected to Chinese Military, Including Huawei

posted in: Far East, News

The U.S. Department of Defense listed 20 companies with alleged relationships to the Chinese military, including telecommunications company Huawei, which has already been charged with racketeering by the U.S. Department of Justice. The document cleared the prepublication review process in … Read More

TikTok: Trump administration plans Chinese tech crackdown

posted in: Far East, News

Reuters US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has outlined the steps he wants US companies to take to deal with “untrusted Chinese apps”. The measures go far beyond President Donald Trump’s current push to force the sale of TikTok to … Read More

A senior Merkel ally says China is an ‘ever more powerful snake’ that Germany will take the fight to

posted in: Germany, News

German Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks during a news conference after coalition meetings over stimulus measures to reboot post-coronavirus economy, at the Chancellery in Berlin, Germany June 3, 2020. John Macdougall/Pool via REUTERS Germany will take the fight to China as an … Read More

Proposed China-Iran deal is bad news for Israel

posted in: Israel, News

The American “maximum pressure” campaign has clearly had a major impact on Iran, but a massive influx of Chinese investments will go a long way towards undoing it. Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets Iranian Foreign Minister … Read More