Indonesia’s Ruang volcano spits more hot ash after eruption forces schools and airports to close

Indonesian authorities warned Mount Ruang volcano could cause tsunami if mountain collapses into sea Indonesia’s Mount Ruang volcano spewed more hot clouds on Wednesday after an eruption the previous day forced the closure of schools and airports, pelted villages with … Read More

Indonesia May Normalize Relations with Israel to Join OECD

An Israeli official on Thursday confirmed a report in Israeli media that the world’s largest Muslim nation is prepared to normalize relations with Israel in order to join the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The possibility of a … Read More

Generative AI may change elections this year. Indonesia shows how

JAKARTA, Feb 08 (Reuters) – Fika Juliana Putri, a 19-year-old shopkeeper in East Jakarta, plans to vote in Indonesia’s presidential election next week for a once-feared former special forces commander. She likes him, she says, because he’s cuddly. A doe-eyed … Read More

Magnitude 7.3 earthquake strikes Indonesia, triggers Tsunami warning

A magnitude 7.3 earthquake struck west of Indonesia’s Sumatra Island on Tuesday, Indonesia’s geophysics agency (BMKG) said, triggering a tsunami warning. The European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) earlier pegged the quake at 6.9 magnitude. The quake, at 84 kilometer (52.2 miles) … Read More

Malaysia might halt palm oil export to EU in retaliation for new deforestation regulations

KUALA LUMPUR (Jan 12): Malaysia may consider halting the export of palm oil to the European Union in retaliation for the trade bloc’s new deforestation regulations, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Plantation and Commodities Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof. He said … Read More

6.1 Magnitude Quake Strikes Off East Timor

DILI, EAST TIMOR — A 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of East Timor on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said, with tremors felt as far as the Australian city of Darwin, although there were no immediate reports of damage … Read More

Hundreds flee as Indonesian volcano erupts

Indonesia’s Mount Merapi volcano has spewed out hot clouds in eruptions that forced about 250 residents to flee to temporary shelters and left ash blanketing nearby villages and towns. The volcano on the densely populated island of Java unleashed clouds … Read More

Powerful quake hits southern Indonesia, tsunami alert canceled

A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 7.4 has struck the Flores Sea in southern Indonesia, causing damage and prompting people to flee to higher ground in fear of a tsunami, officials say. The tsunami warnings have since been … Read More

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