Iranian factory follows Khamenei’s orders, increases uranium enrichment capacity

posted in: Middle East, News

Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (C) sits between President Hassan Rouhani (R) and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif (L) during a meeting in Tehran, in a photo released by Khamenei’s office on July 15, 2018  HO (KHAMENEI.IR/AFP) Under the 2015 … Read More

Can Israel Really Trust Russia to Remove Iranian Forces From Syria?

posted in: Middle East, News

Fate of Iran’s presence in Syria rests with Trump-Putin meeting ■ Israeli official to EU counterparts: Iran nuke deal is dead, and you insist on giving it Advil. Iran’s Army Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri and other senior … Read More

Netanyahu talks Syria, Iran with Trump ahead of Putin summit

posted in: Israel, News

President Donald Trump meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office of the White House, Monday, March 5, 2018, in Washington.  (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday that he spoke with President Donald Trump … Read More

US official links economic protests in Iran to sanctions

posted in: News, United States

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) – A top U.S. official focused on sanctions against Iran on Thursday linked American financial pressure on Tehran with ongoing economic protests roiling the country, saying she hoped the strain would limit the Islamic Republic’s “malign activities” … Read More

Iran Sanctions: India’s Options

posted in: Middle East, News

Once again, India is caught in the middle of a conflict between the US and Iran. During the earlier round of sanctions, India had succeeded in deftly manoeuvring through the sanctions regime, keeping its relations with both countries intact, if … Read More

Syria: Israel Behind Attack on Iranian Air Force Base Near Homs

posted in: Middle East, News

Reports say Syrian air defense systems fired at planes, coming in from Jordan, and heading towards the T4 airbase used by Iran. Israel struck target near Damascus airport, Syrian media says Israel is lying about Iranian presence in Syria, Assad’s … Read More

Iran on verge of political volcanic eruption

posted in: Middle East, News

A protester displays a flag of the Iranian constitutional monarchy era as he attends a protest against the visit of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in Vienna, Austria, on Wednesday. Rouhani was in Austria for a one-day official state visit. Photo … Read More

Rouhani says US unaware about consequences of Iran oil ban

posted in: Middle East, News

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says his country will stand firm against US threats, and will ‘survive’ sanctions. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has pledged his country will stand firm against threats by the United States to halt Iranian oil shipments. In a … Read More

Iranian police open fire on protesters

posted in: Middle East, News

Iranian protesters gather at Mobile market in Tehran on June 25, 2018. In the latest protest in Iran, several people were injured in the southwestern city of Khorramshahr late Saturday during a demonstration against water pollution, Iranian state media reported. … Read More

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