Israel said to brace nuclear reactors for Iranian, Hezbollah missile attacks

posted in: Israel, News

Dimona reactor The Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC) has been working to secure the Dimona and Nahal Sorek nuclear reactors against possible missile strikes from Iran and Hezbollah, according to a report by the Haaretz daily on Thursday. Missile strikes are the greatest … Read More

AP Explains: Iran reopens uranium plant in its latest gamble

TEHRAN, Iran –  Iran says it has restarted production at a “major” uranium facility involved in its nuclear program, though it still pledges to follow the terms of the country’s landmark atomic deal now under threat after President Donald Trump … Read More

5 of 7 nations hit by US travel ban are majority Muslim

The seven nations under the Trump administration’s travel ban – upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court – include five majority Muslim countries, prompting dissenting Justice Sonia Sotomayor to assert that the entry restrictions were motivated by “animus toward the Muslim … Read More

Trump cheers travel ban win before Supreme Court: ‘Wow!’

President Trump cheered the Supreme Court’s decision Tuesday to uphold the administration’s controversial travel ban affecting several mostly Muslim countries, following the ruling on one of the hardest-fought legal battles of his term. “SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS TRUMP TRAVEL BAN. Wow!” … Read More

Iran protests broaden as U.S. sanctions takes toll on the economy

posted in: Middle East, News

The unrest signaled widespread unease after the U.S. decision to withdraw from Tehran’s nuclear deal and restore sanctions on the country. Protesters chant slogans at the old grand bazaar in Tehran, Iran, on Monday.Iranian Labor News Agency / AP DUBAI, … Read More

Opinion Trump Has No Coherent Strategy on Iran. Astonishingly, nor Does Israel

posted in: Israel, News

The U.S. president thinks he’s denuclearized North Korea without dismantling a single bomb. Israel simply can’t risk a similar White House ‘success’ with Iran, but war can’t be its only option either. Israeli Air Force F-15 planes fly during an … Read More

Iran will regret lack of co-operation with Turkey over northern Iraq

posted in: Middle East, News

Iran may come to regret its lack of co-operation with Turkey over military moves Turkey is making in northern Iran aimed at the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), wrote Burhanettin Duran, director of a pro-government Turkish think-tank, in the Sabah newspaper on … Read More

Iran’s economy hit harder than expected after US quits nuke deal: Israeli intel

posted in: Middle East, News

An effigy of the U.S. President Donald Trump is set on fire during an annual anti-Israeli Al-Quds, Jerusalem, Day rally in Tehran, Iran, Friday, June 8, 2018. AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi The pressure on Iran’s economy since US President Trump withdrew … Read More

Trump calls for probe into claims Obama administration tried to give Iran access to US banks

President Trump on Thursday called for an investigation into allegations that the Obama administration tried to give Iran access to the U.S. financial system by sidestepping sanctions. “The Obama Administration is now accused of trying to give Iran secret access … Read More

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