‘Iranian soldiers killed’ in Israeli airstrike on Syrian army base

Syrian TV reported the attack CREDIT: GETTY Iranian soldiers were killed in an Israeli strike in Syria carried out just hours after Donald Trump’s announcement that the US was pulling out of the Iran nuclear agreement, according to monitors. The Syrian Observatory … Read More

Trump announces decision to “withdraw” from Iran nuclear deal

posted in: News, United States

President Trump rolled out his much-anticipated decision to “withdraw” from the Iran nuclear deal, in keeping with a longtime campaign promise. The president claimed Tuesday that there is Israeli intelligence proving Iran is not in compliance with the agreement. Mr. … Read More

Iran deal has been a lie all along

posted in: Middle East, News

“The sanctions lifting will only occur as Iran takes the steps agreed, including addressing possible military dimensions.” That was State Department spokesman John Kirby in June 2015, speaking as negotiations for the Iran nuclear deal were wrapping up. But Tehran … Read More

Opinion How Putin’s Syria Gambit Could End With Israel Revealing Its Military Superiority

posted in: News, Russia

For the first time since the beginning of the Russian intervention in Syria, Putin may find himself in direct confrontation with Israel. Russian President Putin and Prime Minister Netanyahu shake hands at an event marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day in … Read More

Iran says US-Saudi cooperation will destabilize middle east

ANKARA – Iran said on Monday cooperation between Saudi Arabia and the United States will further destabilize the Middle East, a senior official said, adding that Tehran will continue its presence in the region despite Washington’s pressure to limit its … Read More

Iran: we could produce higher enriched uranium if US exits nuclear deal

posted in: Middle East, News

“Iran is not bluffing … Technically, we are fully prepared to enrich uranium higher than we used to produce before the deal was reached… I hope Trump comes to his senses and stays in the deal.” Iran’s head of the … Read More

Israel calls emergency security cabinet meeting following deadly Syria strikes

posted in: Israel, News

IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman discuss the confrontation with Iran and Syria on February 10 2018. Ariel Hermoni/Ministry of Defense Reports say cabinet ministers set to be briefed on … Read More

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