Suspected Israeli strikes hit Iran-linked targets in Syria, escalating regional tensions

BEIRUT — Missile strikes at two Iran-linked bases in Syria caused huge explosions and killed dozens of pro-government fighters, a monitoring group said Monday, in an attack seen as Israel’s latest blow in a shadow war to contain Iranian influence. Syrian state media … Read More

US No Longer Has Resources to Start Full-Scale War Against Iran – Professor (Opinion)

posted in: News, United States

Possible Missile Strikes on Syrian Army Arms Depots Results in Fires – Source The world awaits President Trump’s May 12 decision on whether or not to extend the Iran nuclear deal. Speaking to Radio Sputnik, Hamed Mousavi, a professor of … Read More

WW3 warning: ‘80,000 Iranian fighters’ could launch GROUND INVASION to break up Israel

posted in: Israel, News

THE shock revelation of an alleged Iranian base in Syria, close to the Israeli border, holding up to 80,000 fighters has threatened to push the world closer to an outbreak of conflict, according to expert commentators on the BBC. The … Read More

Lieberman to Saudi media: If Iran attacks Tel Aviv, Israel will attack Tehran

posted in: Israel, News

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (R) and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif AFP Iran’s Supreme Leader says Arab nations that befriend Israel ‘bring misery to Muslims’ Israel’s defense minister Avigdor Liberman issued a stark threat to Iran through Saudi … Read More

Iran rejects any new nuclear deal proposed by US/France

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during a joint press conference with the leaders of Turkey and Russia in Ankara on April 4, 2018 ADEM ALTAN (AFP) Trump is eyeing a broader pact that also limits Iran’s ballistic missile program Iran’s … Read More

The shadow war between Israel and Iran takes center stage

posted in: News

The rumblings of an open conflict between Israel and Iran in Syria are growing louder. When President Trump launched yet another one-off missile salvo against the Syrian regime, it came on the heels of a suspected April 9 Israeli strike on an Iranian facility at a Syrian air … Read More

Can Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron save the Iran nuclear deal?

posted in: European Union, News

During separate talks with President Donald Trump this week, Macron and Merkel will urge the US to stick to the Iran nuclear deal. In an interview with Fox News, the French leader warned there is no “Plan B.” When French … Read More

Rouhani urges Trump to remain in nuclear deal or face ‘severe consequences’

posted in: Middle East, News

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani delivers a speech in Tehran on February 11, 2018 STRINGER (IRANIAN PRESIDENCY/AFP/File) Trump threatened to pull US out of deal unless Europe agrees to supplement it with tougher controls Iranian President Hassan Rouhani urged US President … Read More

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