atch: Netanyahu tells AIPAC . . . ‘We must stop Iran, we will stop Iran’

posted in: Israel, News

When you’re the prime minister of Israel, you really value your friends in the world, because there aren’t that many real ones. In his speech yesterday to the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, Netanyahu was effusive in his gratitude toward … Read More

Israeli Occupation of Palestine Nearing Its End: Iran’s FM

posted in: Middle East, News

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that the Zionist regime of Israel’s occupation of Palestine “will not last long”. “Despite Netanyahu’s claims, the fact is that illegal occupation lies at the heart of most of the … Read More

Russia replaces America as the power player in the Middle East

posted in: News, Russia

© Getty Images The sorry position of the United States in the Middle East today ought to be sending President Trump a powerful message. The region bristles with American air and naval bases and major deployments in Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and the … Read More

Iran Bans US Dollar in Trade Activities to Beat Sanctions

posted in: Middle East, News

Mehdi Kasraeipour, the Central Bank of Iran’s director of foreign exchange rules and policies, said the move is unlikely to meet with resistance. Iran has banned the use of the U.S. dollar in all trade transactions, prohibiting businesses from registering import orders using the currency. … Read More

Report: Iran Builds Another Permanent Base in Syria

posted in: Middle East, News

IRANIAN SUPREME LEADER’S WEBSITE/AFP HO State sponsor of terrorism Iran has reportedly erected another permanent base in Syria capable of bombing Israel, considered Tehran’s public enemy number one, according to Fox News, citing Western intelligence sources and satellite images. Last … Read More

The Tragedy of Syria: All Red Lines Have Been Crossed

posted in: Middle East, News

What’s happening in Ghouta is a war crime. A blood orgy orchestrated by Bashar al-Assad, a modern-day Caligula figure, and his criminal patrons in Iran and Russia. More than 500 men, women and children have been killed since last week in the … Read More

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