Iran’s Revolutionary Guards claim protests over

(CNN)The head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said Wednesday that a string of anti-government protests were over after six days of unrest. In comments to the semiofficial Fars news agency, Mohammad Ali Jafari said that only 15,000 people had turned out … Read More

Analysis Iran Spends Billions on Proxy Wars Throughout the Mideast. Here’s Where Its Money Is Going

posted in: Middle East, News

The debate taking place behind closed doors in Tehran seems to have spilled out onto the streets: whether to save the money for the stagnant economy at home The protest wave began, according to Iranian sources, in the city of … Read More

Analysis The Time-bomb That May Set Off the Next Israel-Hamas War Is Ticking in Gaza

posted in: Israel, News

The ongoing crisis between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority could lead Hamas’ chief to launch an offensive against Israel Despite the renewed rocket and mortar fire from the Gaza Strip and growing criticism from the opposition, the government apparently doesn’t … Read More

Thousands of people take part in anti-government protests in cities across Iran

posted in: Middle East, News

Thousands of people have taken part in anti-government demonstrations in cities across Iran, with protesters calling for money to be spent on Iranians rather than the conflicts in other countries. Political protests are rare in Iran and these demonstrations, which … Read More

White House, State Department condemn Iranian response to protests

  “There are many reports of peaceful protests by Iranian citizens fed up with the regime’s corruption and its squandering of the nation’s wealth to fund terrorism abroad,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement. | … Read More

Haley vows to give ‘irrefutable evidence’ Iran ‘violated international obligations’

Nikki Haley, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, is set to lay out Thursday what the Trump administration claims is “irrefutable evidence that Iran has deliberately violated its international obligations and has tried and failed to cover up … Read More

Poll: Russia Wields Most Influence in Middle East; Netanyahu Least Popular Leader

posted in: Middle East, News

The survey was conducted by the Pew Research Center in five Middle Eastern states, including Israel. Almost two-thirds of respondents to a recent public opinion poll in five Middle Eastern states said Russia, Turkey and the United States increased their … Read More

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