Analysis Israel Is in No Hurry to Do the Saudis’ Bidding in Lebanon

posted in: Israel, News

The Israeli army is not about to cross the border despite the Saudis’ anger at Iranian meddling and the Syrian drone that Israel shot down in the north. The first leader to exploit claims that Saudi Arabia is trying to … Read More

Iran’s president says Saudi Arabia behind ‘hostility’ in region

posted in: Middle East, News

Hassan Rouhani says Riyadh is interfering in Yemen and Lebanon, and its allies, US and Israel, dominate to ‘plunder oil and wealth’  Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, stepped into a growing dispute with Saudi Arabia, saying Riyadh orchestrated the resignation of … Read More

Opinion How Israel Can Avoid War With Iran and Hezbollah – for Now

posted in: Israel, News

Israeli leaders should push for more military restraint, and to moderate their jingoistic rhetoric, to avoid further escalation. The situation on Israel’s northern border isn’t ‘intolerable’- yet. It’s still not clear whether the current escalation to the north of Israel … Read More

Netanyahu rejects one-state solution, says settlements are a ‘side issue’

posted in: Israel, News

In comprehensive interview with the BBC, PM stops short of endorsing Palestinian statehood; also praises Trump’s ‘leadership qualities’ and Iran policies Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discusses Israel’s foreign policy at Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, in London, … Read More

Opinion Balfour Is History. The Middle East’s New Imperialists Are Turkey and Iran

posted in: Middle East, News

The Arab Middle East is currently being carved into spheres of influence by imperial powers. This time it’s not Britain and France but Iran and Turkey – but the reasons they seek to assert their domination are exactly the same. … Read More

Iran says it will continue developing ballistic missiles

posted in: Middle East, News

Iranians walk past Sejjil (L) and Qadr-H ballistic missiles displayed next to a portrait of Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on September 25, 2017 in Tehran  Photo: AFP TEHRAN Iran’s president on Sunday said his country would continue building weapons including … Read More

On the Left, the Missing Debate over the Iran Deal

posted in: Middle East, News

Did Obama foreclose better future options for the U.S. than a choice between acquiescence and war? The answer will soon come into focus. President Trump’s decision to remain in the nuclear agreement with Iran while working to fix its numerous … Read More

EU leaders push back against Trump on Iran nuclear deal

Bloc affirms support for pact despite US administrations refusal to certify compliance; IAEA head says inspections of sites continuing unabated. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, Britain Prime minister Theresa May, center, and French President Emmanuel Macron talk as they arrive … Read More

Germany predicts World War 3 if Trump pulls out of Iran nuclear deal

posted in: Germany, News

GETTY Sigamr Gabriel has warned he thinks war could break out if the Iran deal is withdrawn from Last week President Trump called Iran a “fanatical regime” and refused to sign off a landmark international nuclear deal. The US President … Read More

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