With sharp words and stealth strikes, Israel sends a message to Hezbollah and U.S.

Israel’s military carried out a massive exercise in September simulating conflict with Hezbollah, the largest drill in nearly two decades. (Jalaa Marey/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images) JERUSALEM — Israel has flexed its military muscles in recent months as the regional balance of power … Read More

At UN, Trump threatens ‘total destruction’ of North Korea

UNITED NATIONS — President Trump, in a combative debut speech to the U.N. General Assembly, threatened the “total destruction’” of North Korea if it does not abandon its drive toward nuclear weapons. Trump, who has ramped up his rhetoric throughout … Read More

Netanyahu at UN: Iran Must Know That Those Who Threaten Us With Annihilation Put Themselves in Peril

‘Fix or nix Iran deal – those who defend it forget about North Korea nuclear deal’ ‘We must speak the truth about Iran, who vows to destroy my country every day’ NEW YORK – Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the … Read More

Trump Administration Plans New Sanctions Against Iran

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration plans to announce new sanctions against Iran as soon as Thursday while also taking steps to preserve the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran for now by extending the sanctions relief in the accord, senior administration … Read More

Trump to weigh more aggressive US strategy on Iran

posted in: Middle East, News

President Donald Trump is weighing a strategy that could allow more aggressive US responses to Iran’s forces, its Shiah Muslim proxies in Iraq and Syria, and its support for militant groups, according to six current and former US officials. The … Read More

Merkel Suggests Germany Should Join North Korea Talks

posted in: Germany, News

BRUSSELS — In what the Germans themselves are calling a “sleep campaign,” Chancellor Angela Merkel, seeking a fourth term in office in elections on Sept. 24, has moved to highlight her international status by calling for a new round of … Read More

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