Middle-East Tensions Soar After Critical Phone Call

One phone-call can change a geopolitical landscape. The last bilateral contact between the Emir of Qatar Tamim Bin Hamad and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman last Friday is the best example. After some recent indications of a detente between … Read More

Iran Boasts That It Tricked the World, Can Now Start Making Nukes

Israel warned former US President Barack Obama that Iran wouldn’t honor the nuclear arms deal he brokered with the Islamic Republic. The ayatollahs and their elected puppets went through the motions, but never truly fulfilled the stipulations of the agreement. … Read More

Why Israel needs to prepare America for the upcoming conflict in Syria

Israel successfully destroyed a Syrian nuclear facility, so it is no stretch of the imagination to believe Israel would act again if its intelligence detected Iranian nuclear development in Syria. For the next 10 days Israel will be simulating war … Read More

The North Korean Axis of Middle East Proliferation

posted in: Middle East, News

New evidence reveals that the relationship between Pyongyang, Tehran, and Damascus is more extensive and long-standing than we thought. Last week, Reuters revealed the existence of a confidential U.N. report claiming that two North Korean shipments bound for the government … Read More

Iran Building Weapons Factories in Lebanon and Syria, Israel Says

posted in: Middle East, News

JERUSALEM — Israel is using a visit this week by the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, to highlight concerns about what it says are Iran’s efforts to produce advanced, precision weapons in Lebanon and Syria. “Iran is busy turning Syria … Read More

Iran warns against US ‘intervention’ in IAEA affairs

posted in: Middle East, News

Iranian officials have urged the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) not to give in to the pressures from the United States pertaining to Iran’s international nuclear deal reached in 2015. Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that any move of … Read More

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