Amid regional upheaval, Egypt and Israel seek to strengthen ties and border security

posted in: Israel, News

Despite intelligence-sharing between the neighboring countries, Cairo has not invited an Israeli prime minister to visit since 2013, the year Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi came to power. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with Egyptian Intelligence Minister Abbas Kamel … Read More

Hamas demanding ‘impossible terms’ as deadlock with Israel continues

posted in: Israel, News

Col. (res.) David Hacham, a former Arab-affairs adviser to Israeli defense ministers, says any expectation of a significant change in Hamas’s extreme worldview is fantasy; the latest violence is part of a Hamas bid to “change the rules of the … Read More

Government admits that half of new COVID-19 cases in last month were fully vaccinated

posted in: Israel, News

Despite data, government is launching expanded campaign to vaccinate everyone over 12. Coronavirus ward, Ichilov Hospital Tel Aviv – Eitan Elhadez / TPS Israel’s campaign to promote the coronavirus vaccine – now focusing on young teens – is going full … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 6 August 2021

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, We’re all on our own.  The mainstream is brimming with stories of people who decided to wait and see what the side effects of the “vaccines” were, and are now suffering in some ICU unit.  One study … Read More

Alarm in Jerusalem as Iran races to the bomb amid lull in nuclear talks

posted in: Israel, News

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett blamed opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu for the advances in Iran’s nuclear program, soon after the news of Iran’s uranium metal enrichment was published. A general view of the Bushehr main nuclear reactor, Iran — (photo credit: … Read More

Netanyahu Is Out: Naftali Bennett Sworn In As Israel’s New Prime Minister

posted in: Israel, News

Naftali Bennett is Israel’s new prime minister. He will serve two years before handing the reigns to political partner   for the remaining two years of the term. The two politicians worked together to unseat Benjamin Netanyahu who served as prime … Read More

Israel to Reinstate Masks Outdoors, Restrict Events to Vaccinated Only Amid Delta Variant Surge

Proof of immunity against COVID to be required for entry to events with fewer than 100 people, masks to be mandatory at outdoor events with more than 100 people, and gov’t to encourage private sector to work from home. The … Read More

IDF strikes Gaza after incendiary balloons spark fires in south

Army says warplanes hit Hamas terror group base located next to school after first suspected arson attacks in weeks; Palestinian media claim Israeli drone shot down. Illustrative: Explosions light up the night sky above buildings in Gaza City as IDF … Read More

Israel Threatens Lebanon Over Rocket Attacks, Syria Warns Israel Against Airstrikes

posted in: Israel, News

The head of the Israeli military has threatened further retaliation to any additional attacks launched from across the northern border with Lebanon, while neighboring Syria has issued a warning to Israel after accusing it of recent airstrikes. In remarks delivered … Read More

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