What the death of Iran’s top nuclear scientist could mean for Biden

posted in: Middle East, News

The assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, Iran’s leading nuclear weapons scientist, could set off a tinder box of violence between Iran, Israel and the United States — and put the incoming Biden administration in a tight spot when it comes to resetting … Read More

Israel receives advanced warship amid heightened tensions with Iran

posted in: Israel, News

The Saar 6 can fire missiles, launch helicopters and deploy Israel’s Iron Dome technology. Its arrival comes following the killing of an Iranian nuclear scientist, allegedly by Israel. A ceremony marks the arrival of the first of four new German-built … Read More

Knesset votes to dissolve itself; new elections unless budget compromise reached

PM Benjamin Netanyahu walks into the Israeli Parliament during a vote on a bill to dissolve the Knesset, Dec. 2, 2020. (Alex Kolomoisky/POOL) Knesset votes 61-54 with 15 members not present to approve an opposition bill to dissolve the house. … Read More

Russia says Israel must halt its ‘arbitrary’ airstrikes in Syria

posted in: News, Russia

After Israeli-Iranian flare-up, Moscow says Syrian territory should not be ‘an arena for settling geopolitical accounts,’ warns of potential for regional chaos. This December 11, 2017 photo shows Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and Syrian President Bashar Assad watching troops … Read More

Weapon used in top nuclear scientist’s killing was made in Israel, says Iran’s state TV

posted in: Israel, News

English-language channel Press TV says ‘bears the logo and specifications’ of Israel’s military industry, while Intelligence Minister Eli Cohen becomes the latest cabinet official to deny Israeli responsibility. The weapon used in the killing of a prominent Iranian nuclear scientist … Read More

Israel preparing for potential US military strike on Iran: report

posted in: Israel, News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with the Saudi Arabian crown prince in a secret meeting, according to Israeli media. Israel Defense Forces have been preparing for the possibility that the U.S. military will strike Iran during the last two months of President Trump‘s term, according to a … Read More

Iran vows ‘crushing response’ to Israel as air strikes kill militiamen

14 pro-Iranian militia fighters killed by alleged Israeli strikes in Syria, with two bases destroyed. Pro-Iran militias had been supporting Syrian government forces at the Albu Kamal border area near Iraq (AFP). Iran has vowed to respond to Israeli “hit … Read More

Israel preparing list of demands for inclusion in new Iranian nuclear agreement

posted in: Israel, News

Officials insist it has no connection with identity of future US President – Trump would have renewed negotiations with Iran too. Iranian missile display in Tehran While in the United States the Biden campaign is busily preparing for the expected … Read More

Trump’s former adviser: Israel could attack Iran before Biden takes office

posted in: Israel, News

Former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster warns Biden against rejoining Iran nuclear deal: It would be a really big mistake. H. R. McMaster US President Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser, Gen. H.R. McMaster, warned in an interview with Fox News that … Read More

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