As Israelis give up on peace deal, Democrats’ ‘solution’ would destroy Jewish state

A Palestinian protester throws stones at Israeli soldiers during a protest in the West Bank city of Hebron. As Israelis increasingly write off the chances of a peace deal with Palestinian Arabs any time in the foreseeable future, the US … Read More

Proposed China-Iran deal is bad news for Israel

posted in: Israel, News

The American “maximum pressure” campaign has clearly had a major impact on Iran, but a massive influx of Chinese investments will go a long way towards undoing it. Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi meets Iranian Foreign Minister … Read More

Israeli army reports near tripling of coronavirus cases in 9 days

posted in: Israel, News

IDF Soldiers Israel’s army reported a near tripling of coronavirus cases in nine days, according to data released by the IDF. The military released figures showing infections rising from 203 on July 4 to 568 on Monday. Israel is undergoing … Read More

Watch: Haredi fighters seize weapons in Palestinian Arab village

posted in: Israel, News

Fighters from the haredi Netzah Yehuda Battalion confiscated a gun in Palestinian Arab village of Al-Mazra’a ash-Sharqiya. Fighters from the haredi Netzah Yehuda Battalion on Sunday were able to confiscate a gun that was hidden in a home in the … Read More

Iran’s nuclear facilities are mysteriously under attack

Black smoke rose as flames engulfed the Shahid Tondgooyan petrochemical plant in the Khuzestan province of Iran late Sunday afternoon. Hours earlier, more than 500 miles away, detonations rocked the basement of an old, nondescript home in a northern pocket of … Read More

Israel reimposes coronavirus lockdown measures

posted in: Israel, News

Israel will reimpose lockdown measures in response to growing cases of the coronavirus. The nation has to reverse course to avoid a broader shutdown that could paralyze its economy, said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel lifted its initial lockdown measures in … Read More

Analysis: Iran’s Centrifuges Are in the Crosshairs Again

posted in: Middle East, News

An examination of the more distant and recent past are necessary to understand the series of explosions that have rocked Iran in recent days. An Iranian flag flutters at Iran’s Bushehr nuclear power plant, November 2019.Credit: ATTA KENARE / AFP … Read More

Israel said bracing for retaliation as Tehran points fingers over nuke site fire

posted in: Israel, News

Analysts say blast destroyed lab where Iran develops next-generation centrifuges to speed up uranium enrichment; one source says Iran nuclear program set back two months. This Friday, July 3, 2020 satellite image from Planet Labs Inc. that has been annotated … Read More

Report: Israeli cyberattack caused Iran nuclear site fire, F35s hit missile base

posted in: Israel, News

Kuwaiti newspaper cites unnamed senior source as saying Jerusalem behind recent incidents in Iran, following an alleged attempt by Tehran to hack Israel’s water infrastructure. Centrifuge machines in the Natanz uranium enrichment facility in central Iran, November 5, 2019. (Atomic … Read More

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